More and more smokers want the best taste experience with as few harmful substances as possible.
The patented CTIP™ carbon filter makes this possible. The activated carbon in the filter adheres to the
harmful substances in the smoke and thus ensures that these do not end up in your mouth and lungs.
Sale!'Satya' Sensation' Incense Sticks
- Box of 12 x 15g
Sale!'Satya' Yogic Meditation' Incense Sticks
- Box of 12 x 15g
Sale!'Satya' Spiritual Aura' Incense Sticks
- Box of 12 x 15g
Sale!'Satya' Estern Tantra' Incense Sticks
- Box of 12 x 15g
Sale!'Satya' Money Matrix' Incense Sticks
- Box of 12 x 15g
Sale!'Satya' Mistic Yoga' Incense Sticks
- Box of 12 x 15g